Poetry collection
In 2017, my debut poetry collection 'Hjertesvigt' was published at
Mellemgaard Publishing.
This book is in Danish, but I have english poetry collections coming up soon.
The creation process
At the age of 19 years old, I was going through a break up that left me in a state of depression, meaninglessness and self-destructive behaviour. This book is a product of a time in my life in which I didn't know if I could keep going. Therefore this book is raw and authentic, because at the time, it was the only way for me to vent and cope with a heartbreak that had left me numb and in so much pain. Writing became my therapy.
I never imagined when I began writing it that it even had a chance of being published. At the time, it was the only way for me to process the immense emotional pain and grief I was going through - I wasn't even considering that publishing was a possibility. Heartbroken and with no sleep or food, I wrote the book in just 2 weeks. As I like to say, I was 'bleeding out' the poetry, and as I had finished it, it felt right. So I took a shot and sent it to a publisher, who immediately wrote back and said they wanted to publish it. Barely 3 months later, the book was out on the market for everyone to purchase.
Still today I have continued to write, and I will continue to write always. Not only is it a way for me to express myself, but also a space that allows me to dig into the darkness of my subconscious - a playground, I am always curious to discover and explore.
In the end of the day:
It takes a lot of pain to create raw, authentic art, and the only way to get through that pain, is through art.
About the book
Hjertesvigt handler om falske løfter, dårlige vaner og følelsen af at falde, og at den, man stolede på, ville holde fast, giver slip. Til at dulme smerten er der kun cigaretter og rødvin, og man er overbevist om, at man hellere vil flækkes midt over af en lastbil end nogensinde at elske nogen igen. Hjertesvigt skildrer en dødsdømt forelskelse, og hvordan der måske findes et håb et sted, men at man ikke ved, hvor man skal lede, for man er blevet væk i sig selv. Digtsamlingen tematiserer de udfordringer, man støder på, når man er ung, dum og ulykkeligt forelsket.
Uddrag af bogen
– Og hvis ikke jeg har ondt i hjertet,
så er det i lungerne fordi jeg bliver nødt til at
sortne dem med cigaretter
for at udholde de mange
kaffeaftaler jeg overdænger dig med
Men dit navn dukker stadig op
overalt i alt jeg gør
i røgskyen og i fucking latte-art.